الجمعة، 28 فبراير 2020

leap year

leap year (also known as an intercalary year or bissextile year) is a calendar year that contains an additional day (or, in the case of a lunisolar calendar, a month) added to keep the calendar year synchronized with the astronomical year or seasonal year.[1] Because astronomical events and seasons do not repeat in a whole number of days, calendars that have the same number of days in each year drift over time with respect to the event that the year is supposed to track. By inserting (called intercalating in technical terminology) an additional day or month into the year, the drift can be corrected. A year that is not a leap year is a common year.

In the Gregorian calendar currently in use worldwide (except perhaps the Russian andIranian calendars), there is a leap year every year divisible by four except for years which are both divisible by 100 and not divisible by 400. Therefore, the year 2000 will be a leap year, but the years 1700, 1800, and 1900 were not. The complete list of leap years in the first half of the 21st century is therefore 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020, 2024, 2028, 2032, 2036, 2040, 2044, and 2048.
The extra rule involving centuries is an additional correction to make up for the fact that one extra day every four years is slightly too much correction (). This scheme results in the vernal equinox gradually shifting its date between March 19 and 21, being shifted once every leap year, and then being abruptly shifted in non-leap centuries (see figure above).
In the Gregorian calendar, 97 years out of every 400 are leap years, giving the total number of days in 400 years as

The leap year was introduced in the Julian calendar in 46 BC. However, around 10 BC, it was found that the priests in charge of computing the calendar had been adding leap years every three years instead of the four decreed by Caesar (Vardi 1991, p. 239). As a result of this error, no more leap years were added until 8 AD. Leap years were therefore 45 BC, 42 BC, 39 BC, 36 BC, 33 BC, 30 BC, 27 BC, 24 BC, 21 BC, 18 BC, 15 BC, 12 BC, 9 BC, 8 AD, 12 AD, and every fourth year thereafter (Tøndering), until the Gregorian calendar was introduced (resulting in skipping three out of every four centuries). The UNIX command calincorrectly lists 4 AD as a leap year (Vardi 1991).

Sir John Tenniel

Sir John Tenniel ( 28 February, 1820 – 25 February, 1914) was an English illustrator. 
He drew many topical cartoons and caricatures for Punch in the late 19th century, but is best remembered today for his illustrations in Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass

In 1865 he illustrated the first edition of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. The first print run of 2,000 was shelved because Tenniel objected to the print quality; a new edition, released in December of the same year but carrying an 1866 date, was quickly printed and became an instant best-seller, securing Tenniel's lasting fame in the process. His illustrations for both books have taken their place among the most famous literary illustrations ever made. They were used as a reference for the costumes in Disney's Alice in Wonderland, and Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland
Tenniel's illustrations for the 'Alice' books were engraved onto blocks of wood, to be printed in the woodcut process. The original wood blocks are now in the collection of the Bodleian Library in Oxford. They are not usually on public display, but were exhibited in 2003.

When Tenniel was twenty, in 1840, a fencing accident wit his father forced him to lose the sight in his right eye. A staunchly even tempered man, Tenniel did not react to the pain of the injury, so his father did not even know he had been harmed by his rapier. Undeterred by the partial loss of sight, Tenniel continued on his path as an artist, eventually becoming a beacon in the late nineteenth century world of illustration.
In 1850, Tenniel replaced Richard (Dicky) Doyle at Punch Magazine as a cartoonist, a position he held until 1864 when he replaced his friend John Leech as the principal cartoonist after his death. Steadfast in his routine, Tenniel would continue working at Punch Magazine until his retirement in 1901. During his career at Punch, Tenniel would produce 2,000 cartoons which inspired many famous illustrators, such as Ernest Shepard (who eventually became principal cartoonist at Punch) and Arthur Rackham (who eventually illustrated his own version of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland). In addition to cartoons, he was also known for book illustrations, such as those in The Gordian Knot by Shirley Brooks (1860), Lalla Rookh by Thomas Moore (1861, considered one of his best works), and The Ingoldsby Legends on which he collaborated with his friend, John Leech and George Cruikshank (1864).
Though Tenniel’s cartoons secured his fame to his contemporaries, it was his illustrations for Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland that truly made him a household name. Introduced to Carroll in 1864, Tenniel agreed to create forty-two illustrations after reading the manuscript. Carroll, a very particular person who took pride in his own artistic accomplishments, gave Tenniel very specific instructions concerning every aspect of the illustrations. When Tenniel completed the forty-two drafts, Carroll liked only one, the drawing of Humpty Dumpty. The relationship between Tenniel and Carroll was perpetually strained throughout the entirety of the creative process. Tenniel was upset that Carroll would not give him more freedom to execute his creative vision, and Carroll was frustrated by Tenniel’s criticism and pushback about the writing in his manuscript and the printing process. Their identical tendency towards perfectionism would not let them see eye to eye.
One of the distinctive characteristics about Tenniel’s artistic methods was that he would never draw from life. This detail set him far apart from his contemporaries, the Pre-Raphaelites, who believed that studying and drawing from nature was the only way to produce truthful art. Too much the product of academic training, Tenniel worked best when he referred to the techniques and images in his visual memory and drew without observation. This certainly worked in his favor when he argued with Carroll that the creatures in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland should not look like real animals, but should instead be fanciful creations. Carroll stated that, “Mr. Tenniel is the only artist who has drawn for me who resolutely refused to use a model and declared he no more needed one than I should need a multiplication table to work a mathematical problem.”1
The first printing of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland was completed in 1865, and Tenniel took issue with the sample print sent to Carroll. Carroll had approved Clarendon Press’ printing for 2,000 copies, however Tenniel deemed it “altogether unacceptable” and insisted that Carroll cancel the print. Carroll was worried that printing would take too long and that it would no longer interest his young friends who “are all grown out of childhood so alarmingly fast.” Despite this worry, as well as the financial loss, Carroll gave the responsibility of printing to Richard Clay, a London printing house who was better equipped than Clarendon to complete the job. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland was finally printed and issued in November 1865. Between 1865 and 1868, a new edition appeared every year in order to keep up with demand. A sequel was prompted by the success of the first book, and Carroll immediately asked Tenniel to illustrate Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There. Though he initially turned him down, Tenniel finally agreed to illustrate Carroll’s second book “at such time as he can find.” Through the Looking Glasswas finally published, after numerous delays, in 1871. The difficult relationship between Tenniel and Carroll did not improve during the creation of the second book. It was such that Tenniel never accepted another illustration project again, and simply continued working on cartoons at Punch. He even went so far to warn Harry Furniss about his upcoming illustration work with Carroll on Sylvie and Bruno. “Lewis Carroll is impossible...I’ll give you a week, old chap; you will never put up with that fellow a day longer.”2
Tenniel lived a relatively solitary life after his wife, Julia Giani, died in 1867, two years into their marriage. He never remarried, so his mother-in-law acted as his housekeeper for twenty-three years until she died and his sister stepped in to care for him. Though flattered by the fame that his illustrations for Carroll’s two books had gained him, Tenniel viewed the work on these classics as a disruption to his routine, and immediately returned to his quiet life at home. In 1893, Tenniel was granted a knighthood for his political cartoons at Punch, as well as for his illustrations in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass.
In 1900, when Tenniel was eighty, he retired as the principal cartoonist at Punch. The eyesight in his left eye was failing due to overwork, yet he still continued to paint watercolors until he went completely blind. By the time Tenniel died on February 25, 1914, he was 93 and nearly half a century had passed since Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland was published.

الخميس، 27 فبراير 2020

فيروس كورونا: الرئيس الإيراني يستبعد فرض الحجر الصحي على المدن المصابة بالوباء

أعلنت إيران الخميس ارتفاع عدد الوفيات جراء كورونا الجديد إلى 22 حالة، فيما وصل عدد الإصابات بالفيروس لـ141 إصابة مؤكدة.
وبحسب الإحصائيات الرسمية في إيران، فقد تم تسجيل 3 وفيات جديدة بسبب كورونا، الأمر الذي رفع العدد الإجمالي للوفيات بهذا الفيروس إلى 22 حالة، وفقا لما ذكرته وكالة الأنباء الإيرانية "إرنا".
وأضافت الوكالة أنه تم تسجيل 22 حالة إصابة مؤكدة بفيروس كورونا الجديد، الأمر الذي يرفع من العدد الإجمالي للإصابات من 139 إلى 141 إصابة.
وذكرت وزارة الصحة أن معظم الوفيات والإصابات خارج قم كانت بين أشخاص زاروا المدينة المقدسة لدى الشيعة مؤخرا، والتي تشكل بؤرة تفشي كورونا في البلاد.
ودعا المتحدث باسم وزارة الصحة كيانوش جهانبور الإيرانيين إلى تجنب "السفر غير الضروري"، لا سيما إلى المقاطعات التي تضررت بشدة من البلاد مثل جيلان وقم.
وقال الرئيس الإيراني إن طهران ليس لديها خطط فورية لفرض حجر صحي على المدن المتضررة من الفيروس الذي ينتشر بسرعة في جميع أنحاء البلاد.
وتعتبر إيران ثاني أكبر بؤرة للمرض بعد الصين، الأمر الذي دفع بعض الدول الى وقف رحلاتها الجوية إلى إيران وحظر دخول الإيرانيين إلى أراضيها. 

فيروس كورونا

فيروس كورونا: السعودية تعلق دخول المعتمرين والسائحين لمنع تفشي الوباء  

أعلنت المملكة العربية السعودية تعليق السماح بدخول الراغبين في أداء العمرة والسائحين إلى أراضيها بشكل مؤقت تخوفا من انتشار فيروس كورونا.
وجاء ذلك في بيان لوزارة الخارجية أعلنت فيه اتخاذ عدة إجراءات تحسبا لتفشي الفيروس بين المعتمرين.
وتشمل الإجراءات تعليق السماح بدخول الراغبين في أداء العمرة وزيارة المسجد النبوي، والسائحين مؤقتاً.
كما علقت السلطات أيضا تأشيرات الدخول السياحية للقادمين من الدول التي يتفشى فيها الفيروس.
وجاء في بيان الخارجية السعودية: "تعليق استخدام المواطنين السعوديين ومواطني دول مجلس التعاون لدول الخليج العربية بطاقة الهوية الوطنية للتنقل من وإلى المملكة".
وأضاف "يستثنى من ذلك السعوديون الموجودون في الخارج في حال كان خروجهم من المملكة ببطاقة الهوية الوطنية ومواطنو دول مجلس التعاون الموجودون داخل المملكة حاليا، ويرغبون في العودة منها إلى دولهم، في حال كان دخولهم ببطاقة الهوية الوطنية، وذلك لتتحقق الجهات المعنية في المنافذ من الدول التي زارها القادم قبل وصوله إلى المملكة، وتطبيق الاحترازات الصحية للتعامل مع القادمين من تلك الدول".

الأربعاء، 26 فبراير 2020

MIUI Slow juicer 7Lv Cold press extractor FilterFree patente Easy Clean 43rpm Large Diamete Quiete BPA Free 2020 Multi-color PRO

Aliexpress WW


Product details of MIUI Slow juicer Cold press 7 level slow masticating juice extractor Unique FilterFree patented 2020 Multi-color NEW PRO

  • Benefit No.1: Fast and thorough cleaningSay good bye to small metal holes on the strainer that you had to scrub to remove pulp.With the new filterfree strainers with large, elongated grooves,no need to scrub repeatedly,simply rinse the parts in water.
  • Benefit No.2:Taste & Pulp ControlJuice created with this slow juicer is fresh, unprocessed and pure.
  • Benefit No.3:Amazingly convenient to useImmensely simplified method of operation with completely new juicing mechanism,The new series juicer of no filter is amazingly easy to assemble—all you have to do to get ready for juicing is fit the chamber into the groove in the base.
The latest innovations, the most desired features, every fresh design trend, it all is tastefully and skillfully included in this juicer.
You asked, we listened.
User feedback drives our product design, and easier cleaning was one of the most desired features.
So we radically changed our product’s juicing mechanism, and replaced the strainers with small holes with grooved strainers.
The revolutionary filterfree series Slow Juicer preserves the fresh taste and nutritional value of ingredients and offers easy and thorough cleaning and simple assembly.
Make it an essential part of your daily routine.
Enjoy optimized taste and nutrition without the hassle of complicated cleaning.

New offers from Aliexpress Store

Aliexpress WW

الثلاثاء، 25 فبراير 2020

New offers from Banggood Store 2020

Banggood WW

Banggood WW

T10 Bluetooth 5.0 Wireless Earbuds with Wireless Charging Case IPX8 Waterproof TWS Stereo Headphones in Ear Built in Mic Headset Premium Sound with Deep Bass for Sport Khaki

T10 Bluetooth 5.0 Wireless Earbuds with Wireless Charging Case IPX8 Waterproof TWS Stereo Headphones in Ear Built in Mic Headset Premium Sound with Deep Bass for Sport Khaki

  • [TWS & BLUETOOTH 5 0] - Adopt the most advanced Bluetooth 5 0 technology TOZO T10 Support HSP HFP A2DP AVRCP Provides in-call stereo sound Also own fast and stable transmission without tangling
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  • [One step pairing] - pick up 2 headsets from charging box They will connect each other automatically then only one step easily enter mobile phone Bluetooth setting to pair the earbuds
  • [IPX8 waterproof]- earbuds and charging case inner Nano-coating makes it possible to waterproof for 1 meters deep for 30 minutes. It is suitable for sports to prevent water. Ideal for sweating it out at the gym . Even Wash the earbuds and base
  • [Charge on-the-go]-TOZO T10 wireless earbuds can last for over 4 hours' playtime from a single charge and 14 extra hours in the compact charging case. Charging case support wireless charging. Providing convenient charging way with no strings attached   https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07J2Z5DBM/ref=as_li_qf_asin_il_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=737188238-20&creative=9325&linkCode=as2&creativeASIN=B07J2Z5DBM&linkId=0b6447a96c7721ca0c175e052354d83d

الأحد، 23 فبراير 2020

WOW Apple Cider Vinegar Shampoo & Hair Conditioner Set - (2 x 16.9 Fl Oz / 500mL) - Increase Gloss, Hydration, Shine - Reduce Itchy Scalp, Dandruff & Frizz - No Parabens or Sulfates - All Hair Types

WOW Apple Cider Vinegar Shampoo & Hair Conditioner Set - (2 x 16.9 Fl Oz / 500mL) - Increase Gloss, Hydration, Shine - Reduce Itchy Scalp, Dandruff & Frizz - No Parabens or Sulfates - All Hair Types


About this item

  • REPAIR DAMAGED HAIR: WOW shampoo and conditioner set uses virgin coconut and avocado oil to rejuvenate weak, thin, or damaged hair or dry scalp. The formulation of both oils replenish lost nutrition that's vital in keeping strong, smooth hair.
  • CLARIFYING, HEALTHY HAIR: Detoxify your hair and dry scalp to clear the buildups caused by dirt, filth, and style products. Apple cider vinegar removes filth that damages hair. Rich in vital protection to support healthier hair growth for men and women.
  • MAXIMIZE HAIR STRENGTH: Improve your hair cleansing routine by using both to get the best long-lasting results. Enriched with essential keratin proteins, vitamins B5 & E, and saw palmetto extract to help moisturize, soften & strengthen hair strands.
  • SLOW DOWN HAIR LOSS: Saw palmetto helps slow down hair fall and male pattern baldness, reducing the amount of hair strands falling during a shower. With a little patience, your hair will have more volume and will feel softer, thicker and natural.
  • NATURAL INGREDIENTS: Clarifying shampoo & hydrating conditioner set is hypoallergenic, leaving hair moisturized & soft. Less prone to breakage, split ends, and thinning hair by absorbing essential nutrients and vitamins.

Baldness treatment Men's Rogaine 5% Minoxidil Foam for Hair Loss and Hair Regrowth, Topical Treatment for Thinning Hair, 3-Month Supply

Men's Rogaine 5% Minoxidil Foam for Hair Loss and Hair Regrowth, Topical Treatment for Thinning Hair, 3-Month Supply

  • 3-month supply of Men's Rogaine 5% Minoxidil Foam hair growth treatment to help treat hair loss, maintain hair density and allow for the regrowth of fuller hair
  • Formulated with 5% Minoxidil, our fast-working hair regrowth treatment works to boost hair follicle activity and hair protein production and is clinically proven to regrow up to 25% more hair
  • Men's hair growth treatment also contains botanical extracts and emollient to help maintain a healthy, conditioned scalp, plus alphahydroxy acid (AHA) to promote natural skin exfoliation to help keep follicles open
  • From the #1 dermatologist-recommended brand, this anti-hair loss foam is ideal for use at the early stages of hair thinning and features Tricho-Prime Technology that works on contact to create a healthy hair regrowth environment
  • Men's hair growth treatment delivers clinically visible results in as little as 12 weeks and comes in an easy-to-apply foam, specially designed to fit into your daily routine

Samsung Galaxy Buds+ Plus, True Wireless Earbuds w/improved battery and call quality (Wireless Charging Case included), Black – US Version

Samsung Galaxy Buds+ Plus, True Wireless Earbuds w/improved battery and call quality (Wireless Charging Case included), Black – US Version

  • Exactly what you want to hear. Galaxy Buds+ are the perfect fitting earbuds to isolate you from distracting noises, so you can stay focused on what you want. And if you’d like to filter in some of the outside world to be more in-tune with your surroundings, you can switch on Ambient Aware2. Hear flight announcements, oncoming traffic or your order number while still enjoying your favorite playlist or podcast.
  • 22 hours of serious sound. Get up to 11 hours of nonstop music on a single charge, then pop your Galaxy Buds+ in the wireless charging case and get nearly 11 more. Forgot to charge them the night before? No worries. ?3 minutes of charging gives you one hour of play time, so you have enough juice for your commute or workout.
  • Your voice, loud and clear. Ensure you’re heard clearly. A dedicated internal and two external microphones pick up your voice and isolate it from outside noises. When you’re on a call, your voice comes through richly and confidently, even in noisy locations.
  • Android & iOS compatible. Pair with smart devices via Bluetooth. Use the Galaxy Wearable app on Android and Galaxy Buds+ app on iOS to make the most of your earphones.

Chic Luxurious Zirconia Rings Women Men Diamond Insert Business Ring Accessories Wedding Engagement Jewelry Gift

2 in 1 Chic Luxurious Zirconia Rings Women Men Diamond Insert Business Ring Accessories Wedding Engagement Jewelry Gift

$10 PlayStation Store Gift Card [Digital Code]

$10 PlayStation Store Gift Card [Digital Code]

Serial Number ScanTo protect your Digital Video Games purchase in the event you report it lost or not working, Amazon may invalidate the digital code linked to your purchase. There is no action required from you and your personal information will not be shared. Upon purchase, you’ll receive a download code which you’ll redeem directly on your console or online through your console’s website. Codes are typically delivered instantly, but may take up to five hours in rare cases. This code will be stored on Your Games Library on Amazon if you need to access it later.

About the product

  • The PlayStation Store wallet has a limit of $150
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Fire TV Stick 4K streaming device with Alexa built in, Ultra HD, Dolby Vision, includes the Alexa Voice Remote

Fire TV Stick 4K streaming device with Alexa built in, Ultra HD, Dolby Vision, includes the Alexa Voice Remote

The Amazon Fire TV Stick is the third
 generation of the company's streaming dongle, having been updated to support 4K content.
Like the second gen Fire TV Stick, it boasts an 802.11ac Wi-Fi chip and a 1.7GHz quad-core processor – but buying one still won’t break the bank at under $50. 
You'll also still find voice assistance courtesy of Amazon Alexa, as well as a wealth of content through a variety of different apps, including NetflixAmazon Prime Video, and more. Who needs a smart TV, eh?
While Amazon has rectified some of the issues we had with the previous model, a few small niggling problems still remain that make the experience less than perfect – still, it’s not far off. 
Since the Fire TV Stick 4K was released, Amazon has made a push into televisions with the unveiling of a number of new Fire TV Edition sets, as well as a new Amazon Fire TV Cube, which is an updated version of its Alexa-enabled hands-free streaming media player, adding Dolby Vision and a few other new features to the mix.